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Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Identify threats
  2. Analyse threats
  3. Evaluate threats
  4. Report threats
  5. Consult with stakeholders to confirm operations, goals and objectives
  6. Review sufficiency and validity of existing threat assessment to understand current context
  7. Identify threat assessment context through researching good practice, alternative options and expert opinions
  8. Determine confidence and desire of threat to assess indicators of intent
  9. Determine resources and knowledge of threat to assess indicators of capability
  10. Analyse indicators of intent and capability to determine likelihood of threat
  11. Record levels of threat for monitoring and accountability purposes
  12. Appraise corroborations, plausibility and consistency of source to grade credibility
  13. Examine access, objectivity, motivations and history of source to rate reliability
  14. Determine importance of threat to identify urgency
  15. Synthesise findings to present report on opportunities and vulnerabilities
  16. Present and disseminate threat assessment to inform risk management strategies
  17. Monitor circumstances and environment for changes in level of threat and harm
  18. Evaluate threat assessment to appraise limitations and impact on clients and stakeholders
  19. Support risk assessment
  20. Articulate to clients and stakeholders how biases and perspectives may have influenced findings
  21. Respond to client and stakeholder requirements to refine response options
  22. Manage operations, goals and objectives to respond to risk assessment
  23. Initiate referral to investigation and operational threat assessment
  24. Determine need for further action in response to risk factors